Smerconish: Trump Will Need ‘Specifics and Not Just One-Liners’ at GOP Debate

‘[At Fox debate] there was an audience built for his one-liners’

LEMON: “Here with his predictions about tomorrow night's debate. Michael Smerconish, CNN political commentator and host of CNN's Smerconish. OK. Let's see. Let’s lift up your crystal ball. I was trying to get to Johnny Carson the great what's his name, I forget what -- yes, Karnak, Karnak. OK. So, last debate –“
SMERCONISH: “Oh, yes. It's Karnak.” 
LEMON: “-- it really change -- yes, Karnack. The last debate really changed the dynamics of this race. Do you think tomorrow night's debate is going to do that, Michael?” 
SMERCONISH: “I do. And I'll tell you why I do. I do for the venue in which I'm standing right now. I think this alone is going to change the nature of the debate. And here's why. The last debate, that Fox debate was held where LeBron James plays basketball. There was a huge crowd of tens of thousands there and Donald Trump feeds on that. You know, there was an audience built in, Don, for his one-liners and they responded. I'm looking at 500 seats here. The candidates each got a small allotment. There are benefactors of the Reagan Library who are recipients of some of those seats, some friends of CNN. There is not a built-in audience here for the type of I think routine that Trump has succeeded with. I'm saying it's going to be sedate. And I think a sedate crowd is going to draw out more substance, especially when you've got Jake and you've Dana, and you've got Hugh Hewitt. So, what I'm saying is, I think tomorrow night is a night he, Trump, is going to need to bring more specifics and not just the one-liners.” 
LEMON: “Because he can't feed off the audience as he did in the bigger -- as he does in the big arena.” 
SMERCONISH: “Yes. I don't see it happening in this venue. I mean, there will be enthusiasm here. People are psyched. Don, this is like a Super Bowl. If you could see the way the places is all done up. It looks spectacular. There is a good vibe in the room. But I just don't see this audience. It's not going to be like last night, you know, with Trump in Dallas with 20,000 people at that Mark Cuban event. This is totally different.” 
LEMON: “I know, listen, CNN does it right. I covered the debates in 2008, and 2012. Both election cycles. And I think we put on the best. It's the best of the best. So, Michael, I want you to take a look at the -- this is a new ad by Jeb Bush, Jeb Bush pact.”
[clip starts]
TRUMP: “We lose everywhere. Murderers, crime. Believe me, very, very stupid people. You're finished. The American dream is dead. Give me a break.” 
BUSH: “My message will be an optimistic one because I am certain that we can make the decades just ahead the greatest time ever to be alive in this world. That chance. That hope, requires the best that is in us. We will lift our sights again, make opportunity come common again, growth that makes a difference for everyone. It's possible. It can be done.”
[clip ends]
LEMON: “Is he taking a page from Ronald Reagan there, a sunnier tone, more optimistic?” 
SMERCONISH: “Well, he's going after Donald Trump in a way that initially he was reluctant to do. And I think that his campaign paid a price for initially being flat-footed. You know, I don't think you should take any crap from Trump at any time if you're one of the people on that stage behind me and too many of them have because they've just been plumes with how to respond. Now, people are looking at Jeb and they're saying, wait a minute, are you going to be the establishment guy? And that's why I think he's now spending all that money on this ad campaign that's just been rolled out. Because if he doesn't have a good night here tomorrow night, I think he's going to feel some heat from a John Kasich or maybe one of the other establishment-type candidate.” 
LEMON: “Hey, Michael, I want to get this in. This is a classic line. We were talking about memorable moments. Roll it.” 
[clip ends]
REAGAN: “Not at all. That's true. And I want you to know that also I will not make age an issue of this campaign. I am not going to exploit for political purposes. My opponent's youth and inexperience.”
[clip ends]
LEMON: “Is that good? It was a question about his age. So, are the best debate moments, are they prepped or just off the cuff?” 
SMERCONISH: “I think they're a combination of both but mostly they're the lines that you've got in your hip pocket. I will make a prediction. That's a hell of a line. It never gets old when you watch it. My prediction is Carly Fiorina comes with one of those lines tomorrow night for the Donald.” 
LEMON: “Michael Smerconish, looking forward to your analysis. Thank you, sir.” 
SMERCONISH: “All right, bud.” 

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