Clinton: ‘People Can Trust Me to Fight for Them’

‘I’ve a long track record of standing up and really working hard to help people solve their problems’


LOPEZ: “No doubt that voters want someone in the office that they can trust.”

CLINTON: “Right.”

LOPEZ: “Why are you the most trustworthy candidate?”

CLINTON: "Well, I think people can trust me to fight for them and to fight for their families. I have a long track record of standing up and really working hard to help people solve their problems to have better lives; I did it as a first lady, I did it as a senator, I did it as Secretary of State, I would do it again as president. I want to be the president, Mario, who solves the big problems, works to keep us safe in the world, deals with terrorism, climate change, but I also want to be the president who helps families figure out what they do about those problems that keep them up at night and everybody has some of those."

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