Schiff: The Situation in Syria ‘Could Have Been Different’ If U.S. Intervened Earlier

Geist: ‘How much responsibility do you think the United States bears for not intervening in Syria sooner?’


GEIST: "As you watch this humanitarian crisis unfold spreading from the Middle East up across Europe with tens of thousands, millions more behind them streaming in to Europe, how much responsibility do you think the United States bears for not intervening in Syria sooner?"

SCHIFF: " It's a very hard question because our options are limited. Had we gone in earlier, had we introduced ground troops the situation could have been different in many respects. We could be there ten years from now with ground troops much as we are in Iraq and Afghanistan much it may have thwarted this humanitarian catastrophe or immersed us into it to a greater degree. I think along with Europe, along with the rest of the world we have a humanitarian responsibility here. Whether we could have fended this off or not and I think that means we have to for one thing those who have applied in the United States and have citizenship here."

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