Tucker: Today, We Sent Another Letter to Interview Putin, and the Ukrainian President, We’d Love to Talk to Them

‘Now it is un-American to defend America’s national interest’


CARLSON: “NBC News interviewed Vladimir Putin not long ago, that was completely fine, but our efforts to do the same are not allowed, they're 'un-American.' Joe Biden’s legal advisor Larry Tribe agreed with this. On Twitter he accused us of 'treason,' which as a former Harvard law professor he knows perfectly well is a death penalty offense. 'Arrest the talk show host!' So how seriously should we take this? Well, it’s pretty clear where it is going. First the NSA spied on our emails and texts, now they are accusing us of treason. We got it, they want us to be quiet. But we won’t be quiet, and not just because this is a news organization. Because we are Americans and we can talk to anyone we want. We can have any opinion we feel like having. That is not treason, it is not un-American, it's the whole point of America. It is our Bill of Rights distilled. So today we sent another letter to Vladimir Putin asking for a interview. We hope we get it. We also sent a message to the president of Ukraine, we would like that interview too. Now neither one of these men runs a democracy by traditional American standards, both of them are tyrants, but they are in the news and we would love to talk to them. An interview is hardly an endorsement.”

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