Fmr. Chairman of Ohio Democratic Party: ‘A Lot of States Are Seeing Intense Purging of Voters’

‘If we don’t fight back, relentless efforts to attack democracy do succeed’


PEPPER: “And they know that if they don’t keep rigging elections, most of them would lose their office. They wouldn’t be able to survive in a world of real democracy. Again, that’s what the Founders worried about. So, beginning at the federal level we need voters' rights protection right now and democracy protection. But I also lay out in my book all sorts of other ways that every single citizen can get involved. Pay attention to your statehouse races. Don’t allow any of these districts to go unchallenged. These gerrymandered officeholders love when there’s no opposition. They have a monopoly on the whole conversation. A lot of states are seeing intense purging of voters. So get yourself involved in registering voters. Every day they’re purging voters, we need to be registering voters back on the rolls. I go through specific 30 steps everyone can take to fight back. And if we don’t fight back — as you mentioned, Jim Crow is a parallel — if we don’t fight back, relentless efforts to attack democracy do succeed. So we have to fight back right now."

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