CNN’s John King: ‘Trump Is Much More than a Summer Fling’ for GOP Voters

‘The numbers don’t lie’

KING: “We begin with the man of the moment, Donald Trump, of course, who is sending the strongest signal yet that he will not mount a third party presidential bid if he fails to win the Republican nomination.”

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TRUMP: “The Republican Party has been treating me very, very fairly. All I ask is fairness. In terms of victory, that would certainly be the best path to victory. We're going to make a decision very soon and I think a lot of people are going to be very happy.”

[clip ends]

KING: “Says a lot of people will be very happy. We'll see if that –“ [crosstalk]

UNKNOWN MALE: “You are going to love it.”

KING: “-- a lot of people, they're going to love it, right. That was Saturday in Nashville. Mr. Trump easily took first place in a straw poll conducted by a gathering of Tea Party groups and where Mr. Trump presented himself as the Tea Party movement's perfect bullhorn.”

[clip starts]

TRUMP: “At least I have a microphone where I can fight back. You people don't. The Tea Party people are incredible people. These are people that work hard and they love the country and then they get just beat up all the time by the media. It's disgusting.”

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KING: “Simple math. Yes, simple math tells us why running as a Republican appears to be Mr. Trump's best option. Take a look at the numbers here. Brand new Iowa poll out just this morning shows Donald Trump atop the GOP pack in Iowa: 23 percent of likely caucus goers back the billionaire businessman; Ben Carson noteworthy at second percent at 18 percent; the Wisconsin governor Scott Walker and Texas Senator Ted Cruz are next at 8 percent and then Jeb Bush and Marco Rubio at 6 percent. Now there's a similar pro-Trump anti-establishment ring to the latest national numbers, too. Take a peek. Again, it is Trump and Dr. Carson leading the pack. Look at the slide month-to-month. Hard not to notice. The sliding numbers of the two candidates, who, in the spring, previewed as the big players in this race, Jeb Bush and Scott Walker. So the numbers don't lie. Trump is much more than just a summer fling for Republican voters and this week he says he knows why.”

[clip starts]

TRUMP: “So you have a silent majority in this country that feels abused, that feels forgotten, that feels mistreated. And it's a term that hasn't been brought up in years, as you know. People haven't heard that term in many years.”

[clip ends]

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