Steve Scalise: President Biden Has No Answers to Solve His Energy Crisis

‘I think that’s embarrassing that the present a United States, when confronted with the biggest crisis that families are facing, that he created, says that he doesn’t have an answer to that problem’


SCALISE: "And, unfortunately, when you look just last week, President Biden did a town hall meeting and he was asked what his answer is on the energy crisis, how is he going to lower gas prices for families who are paying in some cases hundred dollars to fill up their car and then their car — their credit card maxes out at $100 at the pump and they can’t even fill up their car on $100. And when the President was asked what his answer is, he said that he doesn’t have a short-term answer. I think that’s embarrassing, that the president of United States, when confronted with the biggest crisis that families are facing, that he created, says that he doesn’t have an answer to that problem. Well, the good news is House Republicans do. We have an answer to that crisis. As Kelly talked about, let’s just get back to the things that were working. We were an energy-dominant nation when Joe Biden took the oath of office, gas prices were less than $2 a gallon. People hearken back to those days. It wasn’t that long ago that they were paying less than $2 a gallon for gasoline. Today in some states it's over $5 a gallon because Joe Biden day one said he wants to cancel the Keystone pipeline, but he green-lighted a pipeline for Russia. He cancelled production and leases on federal lands here in America, but then he went and begged OPEC and Russia to produce more oil.”

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