Sen. Graham: If Trump Wins Nomination, ‘That’s the End of the Republican Party’

‘We’ll lose, and we should lose’


BOLDUAN: “Can you win the nomination -- in your strategy, can you win the nomination without winning South Carolina?”

GRAHAM: “No, I'm going to win south Carolina. I have to do well in new Hampshire.”


GRAHAM: “I got to do well in New Hampshire. If I do well in New Hampshire, I'll win my state. Here is what will not happen, Donald Trump is not going to be the nominee of the Republican party. If he is, that's the end of the Republican party because who he is doing –“

BOLDUAN: “So if he is, what do you do?”

GRAHAM: “Well then we'll lose. We'll lose, and we should lose. 60% of the Hispanic community in this country, legal hispanics, find Mr. Trump offensive. I find him offensive. When he attacks Megyn Kelly, a lot of young women think, well, why would you do that? I find that offensive? Where is the party leadership?”

BOLDUAN: “Not only is the party leadership, my question to you is –“

GRAHAM: “Where are the other candidates?”

BOLDUAN: “Where are the other candidates? Why isn't your message connecting?”

GRAHAM: “I think it will over time. We're about to get attacked. There's more likelihood of a 9/11, there's more terrorist safe havens, a series of perfect platforms to attack us. Mr. Trump's strategy to destroy ISIL is worse than Obama, believe it or not. Obama's strategy is not working but the idea to take Iraq and Syrian oil as a way to destroy ISIL and use it for your benefit would be the greatest boom for recruiting for ISIL in the history of the organization so his policy positions are complete gibberish. He is shallow, he's ill prepared to be commander in chief, he doesn't know what he's talking about in terms of how our laws work. He says the worst things possible about immigrants and women, and he's a complete idiot when it comes to Middle East policy. So I think over time common sense will prevail. He's a showman. He's really good at that.”

BOLDUAN: “Right.”

GRAHAM: “But the idea that he would be the commander in chief of the finest fighting force in history suggesting that they're going to go back to Iraq and Syria sand say, hey, I'm here from the United States I'd like to take your oil, do you mind, and use it for our benefit, he would turn everybody in the middle East against us who wants to help us fight ISIL. So all I can say is our soldiers deserve better, our party deserves better. To the Hispanic community if you're watching this broadcast, he doesn't represent us. Just a small portion of us. To young women there – we don’t believe what Mr. Trump says about Megyn Kelly.”

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