Psaki Does Not Deny Generals Advised Biden Against His Afghanistan Withdrawal Deadline

‘I’m not going to get and specific details of who recommended what’


PSAKI: "I’m not going to get in specific details of who recommended what, but I can — I would reiterate a little bit of what I conveyed before, which is that there were recommendations made by a range of his advisers, something he welcomed, something he asked them to come to him clear-eyed about, to give him candid advice. What is also clear, though, and I’d also note again what Secretary Austin said today, is that was not going to be a sustainable over the long term troop presence. We were always going to look at escalating the numbers, potentially going back to war with the Taliban and risking casualties. That was not a decision the President was going to make, but of course he welcomes advice. He welcomed the advice. Ultimately, it’s up to the commander-in-chief to make a decision. He made a decision that it was time to end a 20-year war."

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