Margaret Brennan: Are Parents Living with Unvaccinated Children Considered High Risk?

‘So teachers... ‘


WALENSKY: “And because of that close call and because of all the evidence we reviewed, both of the FDA and at the CDC, I felt it was appropriate for those people to also be eligible for boosters. So, who are those people? Those are people who live and work in high-risk settings, that includes people in homeless shelters, people in group homes, people in prisons, but also, importantly, are people who work for — work with vulnerable communities. So, our health care workers, our teachers, our grocery workers, our public transportation employees."

BRENNAN: "So, teachers. Does that mean other people living with unvaccinated children should also be considered high risk? Does that make parents living with unvaccinated kids high risk?"

WALENSKY: "The — the recommendations were not intended for that population."

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