Sec. Blinken Claims ‘Even the Most Pessimistic Assessment’ Didn’t Predict Afghan Army Collapse in 11 Days

‘Nothing I or anyone else saw indicated a collapse of this army and this government in 11 days’


BLINKEN: “That emergency evacuation was sparked by the collapse of the Afghan security forces and government. Throughout the year, we were constantly assessing their staying power and considering multiple scenarios. Even the most pessimistic assessments did not predict that government forces in Kabul would collapse while U.S. forces remain. As Gen. Milley, the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff has said, 'Nothing I or anyone else saw indicated a collapse of this army and this government in 11 days.' Nonetheless, we planned and exercised a wide range of contingencies. Because of that planning, we were able to draw down our embassy and move our remaining personnel to the airport within 48 hours."

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