Christine Brennan: Women’s Soccer Team Deserves Equal Pay as Men Because ‘They Win All the Time’

‘It’s a very sexist sport worldwide and U.S. soccer is certainly doing much more than any other country for women’


SANCHEZ: "Let’s discuss this story further with CNN sports analyst Christine Brennan. She's also a sports columnist for 'USA Today.' Good morning, Christine. Thanks for joining us on Labor Day. Regardless of where the case ends legally, just the fact that these female athletes sued their employer, the federation that oversees the sport for the entire country, that’s ground breaking. Tell us more about that."
BRENNAN: "Absolutely, Boris. It’s something that comes right out of the pages of Billy Jean King’s handbook on how to fight for equality for women in sports. Billy Jean King, of course the great tennis star, did that a generation, or even you can say two generations ago now, fighting for equal pay in tennis. We see now the results. The women making as much if not more than the men. All the grand slams equal pay. U.S. Soccer, Women’s soccer team, obviously taking that torch from Billy Jean King, and moving forward, wanting also to have equal pay. What they’re saying is, of course, they win all the time. Whether it’s the World Cup or Olympic medals, the U.S. men do not. They’re not paid the same. Obviously there’s a back and forth with the federation and -- and the courts, the judges on that. But it is a conversation for our time.”

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