Pentagon: ‘Thousands’ of ISIS-K Prisoners Were Freed by the Taliban as They Seized Prisons from Afghan Forces

‘Because both of them were taken over by the Taliban and emptied’


KIRBY: "Well, I don’t know the exact number. Clearly it's in the thousands, when you consider both prisons, because both of them were taken over by the Taliban and emptied. But I couldn’t give you a precise figure. And as for emptying out, remember, we were turning things over to Afghan national security forces. That was part of the retrograde process, was to turn over these responsibilities. And so they did have responsibility for those prisons and the bases at which those prisons were located. And of course, as the Taliban advanced, we didn’t see the level of resistance by the Afghans to hold some territories, some bases, and unfortunately those were bases that the Afghans didn’t hold. But all of those responsibilities were turned over in accordance with the retrograde plan back from April."

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