Rep. Flake: ‘If You Want to Punish the Castros, Make Them Deal with Spring Break’

The Arizona senator was the only Republican to attend the re-opening of the American embassy in Havana


LEAHY: "I think 15 years ago we were having dinner one night with Fidel Castro, and he started in about the -- our embargo, and I said, heck, the embargo is the best thing you have going for you. He said, what do you mean? You have a failed economic and political system, and you can blame it all on us and, he gave me a look and turned to my wife who is a registered nurse and said, I will talk to you, you are the humanitarian. The United States has a lot to offer with human rights, and all of these things can be so helpful. Let's get rid of the excuse of the embargo, because that's simply an excuse to say, no, when the Cuban people want to say yes." 
FLAKE: "I always thought if you want to punish the Castros, make them deal with spring break once or twice." 
TAPPER: "My mind is racing. We'll leave it there."

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