The Chris Salcedo Show Preamble: Leftists Have No Clue, So You Have To Suffer

‘This country is being ruled by idiots’


SALCEDO: “Leftists have no clue, so you have to suffer. That’s the cause and effect we analyze in tonight’s preamble. The genesis of the majority of problems in America can be traced to the socialist Democrats' abandonment of everything that makes America great. One of the key aspects of our stability, our advancements and wealth is the rule of law. The biggest example of Joe Biden and his socialist party's breach of the trust of we the people is the lawless anarchy that is the U.S. southern border. Vast majority of unfairness and pain can be traced to Biden and Kamala Harris's multiple crises stemming from their lawless behavior on that border. The conservative right isn’t the only one noticing. An editorial in 'The Washington Post' is quite clear on how Biden and his border czar are utter failures, doing real harm to the United States in their effort to put foreigners first. Quote, 'In its apparent desperation to fashion an immigration strategy that will impose order on increasingly out-of-control migration, the Biden administration has unleashed a torrent of words and goals untethered to specific policies and timetables. What is mostly missing from the sweeping rhetoric and broad-strokes analysis is an actual plan plan for action.' What 'The Post' pretends not to understand is that a plan to stop all the destruction of Texas border communities, a plan to stop the China virus infections from skyrocketing, a plan to thwart, rather than enable ruthless drug cartels and human smuggling was never in the offing. A plan was never even considered. Harm to the United States is the point. Those who are running Biden and the unqualified VP Harris seek to punish our people for ever daring to oppose them in the first place, for ever voting for President Trump.”

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