Tucker: Is a Gray Hawaiian Shirt Legal? When You’re Barack Obama It Is, He’s Partying Like It’s 2019

‘Obama’s guests didn’t have to show their papers to get into the party’


CARLSON: “And it was kind of a surprise to see it, because Barack Obama is a genius. We know that can be certain of it because we’ve heard that claimed as fact for almost 15 years now. And yet we know that when Barack Obama relaxes at his own house, it’s not with intellectuals or even with people who can read books, it’s with the kids he watches on TikTok. Obama passes around some high fives, throws on a pair of beige slip-on shoes and the world's only gray Hawaiian shirt, and hits the dance floor. It’s party time. But wait a second, you ask, a gray Hawaiian shirt? Is that even legal? When you’re Barack Obama it is. The normal rules don’t apply to you. Remember that this is the man whose staff referred to him as black Jesus, totally without sarcasm. So when you’re parting the waters and healing the sick, you don’t get too hung up on the usual fashion regulations or, for that matter, public health regulations. There’s a global pandemic out there, you may have heard about it. And it’s getting worse. The CDC tells us that the so-called Delta variant is so dangerous that we can no longer have civil liberties in America. Private property rights have been suspended, happened last week. Our children must wear masks at school again. We should not be allowed to go to dinner, fly on airplanes, have a job without first displaying our new vaccine passports. And Barack Obama supports all of that. He’s for all the restriction. But that doesn’t mean he wants to live under those restrictions. So on Saturday, Obama’s guests did not have to show their papers to get into the party. Unlike CNN employees, they didn’t have to prove they were vaccinated. Unlike your kids, they didn’t have to wear masks. It was like 2019 at Barack Obama's house, like the whole pandemic thing never happened.”

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