McConnell Describes Democrats’ Spending Spree as ‘Chairman Sanders’ Dream Shopping List’

‘The size and the scope of Chairman Sanders’ socialist shopping list will make every disagreement we’ve had in landing the infrastructure compromise look like a rounding error’

This story is cross-posted at our consumer site, Grabien News. Watch it there – without audiomarks.


MCCONNELL: “In many cases, they are overdue. Our country has real needs in this area. There are many outstanding amendments that are important that would improve this legislation, and that deserve votes before the Senate is asked to vote on final passage of this bill. The full Senate deserves its full chance to shape this important legislation. I hope senators can work together in a bipartisan way to get more amendments up and continue improving this important bill. Our colleagues on both sides deserve to be heard. Now, the democratic leader that is indicated that in a few days, he will thrust the Senate into an ultrapartisan showdown over the staggering reckless taxing and spending spree that Democrats want to ram through later this year. The size and the scope of Chairman Sanders’ socialist shopping list will make every disagreement we’ve had in landing the infrastructure compromise look like a rounding error. New permanent welfare with no work requirements, reams of green new deal mandates, massive tax hikes that shrink wages and kill jobs, government meddling in child care that would privilege certain family choices over others, amnesty for illegal immigrants in the middle of a border crisis. At a time Democrats’ spending already, already has inflation hammering American families, Republicans could not be more eager to debate our colleagues on all of these subjects. We can’t wait to get Democrats on record over many more trillions, trillions of dollars in reckless borrowing to fund socialist spending, on radical policies that families are not asking for.

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