American Federation of Teachers President: 90% of Teachers Have Been Vaccinated

‘Nine out of ten teachers, have already been vaccinated and they know it’s safe and effective’


WEINGARTEN: “So Willie, I — you know, look, I’m -- I am 100 percent into vaccines. I think that they’re important. I think this one is safe and effective. And you know, virtually every one of my members are, I should say nine out of ten of them are, and you can see that around virtually all unions. We understand this. The -- the problem is we are trying to create trust throughout America, in terms of a safe and welcoming environment. And our resistance has been to just mandating, particularly when you have this overwhelming number who have said yes and taken the shots and know it’s important, is that that then becomes — just like with masks -- that then has become the argument over the mandate as opposed to how do we do everything we can to keep things safe and welcoming and focus on our kids. The people that are resisting, and there was a good Kaiser study out in the last few days -- the people that are resisting, some of it is ideological, and some of it is that they really don’t believe that the vaccines are -- and safe. And -- and -- and I think full authorization, as one of the doctors on your show earlier said, I think that’s going to open some doors. So as I said, we’re considering all alternatives, including, you know, looking at -- at vaccine mandates, but at the end of the day, I want to lift up the fact that 90 percent, nine out of ten teachers, have already been vaccinated and they know that it’s safe and -- and -- and effective.”

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