DHS Sec. Mayorkas to Cubans: There’s an Orderly Way to Seek Relief Under U.S. Law, and Taking to the Seas Is Not It

‘We accept claims for asylum through the ports of entry, that is the safe, orderly and humane way to proceed’


MAYORKAS: "The message that I communicated, the message that our administration is communicating is, one, we stand with the Cuban people. We deplore the repression that the authoritarian regime is exercising against the Cuban people. But we also deliver a message of humanity, which is, 'Do not take to the seas.' You know, in two weeks’ time we rescued many, many families that tried to do that and we saw 20 deaths occur in just a couple weeks. It’s a perilous journey, it's an unsafe journey, and there’s an orderly way to seek relief under United States law, and taking to the seas is not it."

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