Fmr. Surgeon General: The Freedom Argument Is Bunk, We are Losing Freedom Because of the Unvaccinated

‘But people need to understand the real consequences’


ADAMS: “Yes, in her state. And to answer your question in a word, yes, we need to help people understand that this freedom argument is — is — is bunk. I mean, at the end of the day, we are losing freedoms because people are unvaccinated. And I don’t want to shame anyone who has questions because, every day, I talk to people. I talked to at least five people today who had questions, and helped them get their questions answered and move them towards vaccinations. But people need to understand the real consequences. And the consequences are, as I said last week, more mitigation and as I’m telling you this week, I am predicting closures, in the future, because we are not going to be able to reign this variant back in, before we get enough spread that is going to start causing closures, again. And so, I don’t want my kids to have to go through another year of virtual school. I don’t want our hospitals to be overwhelmed and for them to be shut down for elective surgeries, like we saw last year. Our freedoms are being impinged upon because we have far too many people unvaccinated.”

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