Valerie Jarrett: ‘I’m All for Mandating’ Vaccines

‘We are balancing our rights of freedom with public health’


JARRETT: “I am all for mandates, particularly for people who are interfacing with the public. The only way that we can contain this vaccine -- this disease, we know is with vaccinations. And so for public health workers, of course, they should be vaccinated. For people who working in our restaurant, of course, they should be vaccinated. So I take a pretty hard line in terms of the mandates, but I also think we have a responsibility to go forward with an education campaign so people can understand what the science dictates. There are so many false stories going around so we have to debunk those at the same time as we’re saying if you want to be a part of this society, our responsibility is to keep it as healthy as possible. Take the vaccine.”

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