Rep. Lauren Underwood Blames Police for Skyrocketing Crime in Chicago

‘It is unacceptable that folks continue to die at the hand of law enforcement in this country’

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UNDERWOOD: “We have to be very clear that our police officers do need support in their jobs, okay. They need to be able to have the full benefits and pay and all that stuff. Right, these are challenging jobs that they have. However, we also have to be very clear that it is unacceptable that folks continue to die at the hand of law enforcement in this country. That’s what policing reform is about. I think that we’re muddling the issue here. What we have seen in the spike in crime is not because the United States Congress is taking action to reform policing in this country to make it more equitable, to make it fair and safe in all of our communities. What we are seeing is a set of laws in this country that continue to allow, as Reverend Al said, guns that shouldn’t be on the street to be on the street, that continue to allow people to purchase weapons of war and use them freely, and we continue to see that, you know, people are fantasizing about committing acts of violence and it has been normalized. Violence of any kind is unacceptable.”

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