Trump: Without Great Elections and Borders, ‘You Don’t Have a Country’

‘I have to say this, another favorite of your topics — election’


TRUMP: "Well, they have the resources, they have the money to do it, but they don’t want to do it. And I don’t know if it’s incompetence. You know, a lot of people say they want open borders. I actually don’t think they do. Because who could think that’s good? I really think they’re incompetent. I really believe that. I believe they don’t want open borders. I think they’re just incompetent. They don’t know how to stop it. But we did a great job and that was really almost a reunion with all the sheriffs. I know them so well, I got to know them very well. And we did a great job on the border, and they better get going fast because we’re not going to have a country left. Between that, another — I have to say this, another favorite of your topics — election and election fraud. If you don’t have great elections and if you don’t have borders, you don’t have a country." 

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