Loudoun County 8th Grade Girl Trashes School Board for Letting Boys Into Girls Rooms

‘Two years ago, I was told policy 1040 was just an umbrella philosophy and you weren’t going to allow boys into the girls’ locker rooms’

This story is cross-posted at our consumer site, Grabien News. Watch it there – without audiomarks.


GROVER: "Two years ago, I was told policy 1040 was just an umbrella philosophy and you weren't going to allow boys into the girls' locker rooms. But here you are doing just that. Everyone knows what a boy is, even you. You propose policies that are dangerous and rooted in sexism. When woke kids asked me if I was a lesbian or a trans boy because I cut my hair short, it should tell you these modern identities are superficial. My guidance counselor's response to my concerns about bathroom privacy and safety was, 'Well, there are stalls in the bathrooms.' Now boys are reading erotica in the classrooms next to girls, and you want to give them access to girls' locker rooms and you want to force girls to call those boys 'she.' You do this in the name of inclusivity, while ignoring the girls who will pay the price. Your policies choose boys' wants over girls' needs."

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