John Kerry Compliments Communist China, Claims It’s ‘Certifiable’ to ‘Fight Over’ Trade and Cyber

‘I don’t think that any of us want to fit into that category’


KERRY: “Some of those other issues will take longer to work through. They don’t demand the -- the same immediacy in some ways, with the same kind of broad impact on a global basis that the climate crisis does. But if we go blast many more tipping points, whether it’s Greenland and its ice sheet or Antarctica, or warming of the ocean, or the level of our storms and their intensity, or the rising sea level, I mean there’s so many different components of this that are going to cost trillions upon trillions of dollars for all of our economies and ultimately challenge life itself in many parts of the planet. And if we were sit there and saying, 'Well, I’m going to fight over this issue, that’s a trade issue, or a cyber issue, and we’re going to fight about that while the world is falling apart you'd really be certifiable. And I don't think that any of us want to fit into that category."

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