Trump on Rand Saying His Popularity Reflects ‘Loss of Sanity’: ‘That’s OK with Me’

‘I contributed to his cause as he goes around as a doctor and takes care of very seriously ill people and helps them out; I have made a lot of contributions’


KARL: "Some of the more recent ones, Jeb Bush while you were in Scotland dismissed your rise as a phenomenon. Rand Paul said your surge in the poll is a temporary loss of sanity." 
TRUMP: "He's very weak on the military, very weak on defense, probably hurt him very badly. I think he's a nice guy. I contributed to his cause as he goes around as a doctor and takes care of very seriously ill people and helps them out. I have made a lot of contributions. I'm surprised to hear him to say that. I would say I was little surprise to hear Rand say that. But if he feels that's okay with me."

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