McCaskill to Dr. Walensky: Have You Considered Some Kind of Prize Drawing for People Who Get Vaccinated?

‘This is America, where everyone wants a Groupon coupon or they want to compete for a prize’

This story is cross-posted at our consumer site, Grabien News. Watch it there – without audiomarks.


MCCASKILL: “So, we have now cohort of over 5,000 community core organizations that are working with people — not everybody will want a carrot. Some people want a different carrot than others. Some might want a Big Mac. Some might want a coupon to a pharmacy. So we’re working with individual communities to understand what might best speak to those communities and doing our best to make sure that we can — we’re working with NASCAR, we’re working with professional sports leagues to see maybe they want to meet sports -- sports figures. So we’re doing everything that we can to reach as many people that we can, one person at a time.”

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