Sen. Sanders: Rich, Large Corporations Should Pay Their ‘Fair Share of Taxes’

‘You have to raise the minimum wage to a living wage’


SANDERS: "I think, number one, most importantly we have to deal with the crises facing this country. We have massive and wealth inequality. Half our people live on paycheck-to-paycheck. You have to raise the minimum wage to a living wage. We’ve got to do that. We have a infrastructure that’s collapsing. We have to address the existential threat of climate change. When you do that, chuck, when you make those investments, we create millions of good paying jobs. We’re the only major country not to guarantee health care to all people as a right, the only major country not to have paid family and medical leave. We pay the highest prices in the world for prescription drugs. Hundreds of thousands of kids can’t afford to go to college, and millions leave school deeply in debt. You know what? You’ve got to address those issues. Meanwhile, you’ve got two people on top who own more wealth than the bottom 40% of America. You have major corporation after major corporation not paying one nickel in federal income tax. Warren Buffett, one of the richest guys in the world, reminds us that the effective tax rate for working families is higher than it is pour the billionaire class. So in terms of pay for, yeah, I do think we need Progressive taxation which says to the very rich — Biden says the floor should be $400,000. Nobody under that should pay more in taxes. Yes, the very rich and large corporations should start paying their fair share of taxes to help us rebuild America and create the jobs that we need."

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