Fiorina: Majority of Americans Horrified by the Harvesting of Baby Parts

‘There are plenty of pro-choice women who are horrified by this as they should be’

FIORINA: "So, instead of going after the people who have put out this video information we clearly need to see, let’s talk about the issue here. Of course, they’re trying to change the subject. Of course, they’re trying to say this is life-saving research. I just find it amazing that this group of pro-abortion lobbyists continue to say that they are protecting women’s health. Really? Late-term abortion is bad for women’s health. They continue to lobby against parental notification. Really? It’s protecting a teenager’s health that she can go to a tanning salon or get a tattoo without — with her mother’s permission but she can get an abortion without her mother’s permission? This is not about someone else’s health. This is about a woman’s health, a woman’s opportunity to have all of the choices in front of her and it’s about a life that she is bearing. So, let’s talk about — once again, I’m pro-life as you know, Chris, but there are plenty of pro-choice women who are horrified by this as they should be. And, by the way, after-hours honestly, the fact that these officials can sit here swilling their wine, drinking their salad, laughing over getting a Lamborghini and talking about specimens and fetal tissue, I just find it horrifying —"

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