Mother of Man Killed by Illegal: ‘U.S. Has Enough Criminals of Its Own’

‘Until it happens to you, you don’t know the pain’

KELLY: “Breaking tonight, new fallout from a heart-wrenching hearing on Capitol Hill, almost three weeks to the day after Kate Steinle's death. Steinle's father was one of a handful of witnesses who testified about losing their loved ones at the hands of illegal immigrants, thanks to what the Senate judiciary called the administration's misdirected immigration policies. This has come up of course in the wake of the controversy over sanctuary cities. Today lawmakers listened to powerful statements from father, mothers, and wives folks who were killed. And it became clear that Kate Steinle's death is just one entry on a list that has grown far too long. Senator Jeff Sessions who was at that hearing joins us in a moment, and wait until you hear what happened there. But first, we go to Laura Wilkerson who testified at today's hearing to honor the loss of her son, Joshua, back in 2010. Laura, thank you so much for being here, and your testimony was difficult just to listen to -- never mind to deliver. But your son was murdered by a so-called dreamer, somebody who was brought here by his parents. The administration has told us these are law-abiding citizens, we don't have to worry about the dreamers. Your son was brutally murdered by him and this man is likely to get out on parole by the time he is 49 years old.”

WILKERSON: “Yes. That's correct.”

KELLY: “And your thoughts on the sanctuary cities and the policies that stand?”

WILKERSON: “My thoughts are it invites the criminal element of illegal's that are in this country, not to say that all are criminals but invites that element to come to our city and you get a free pass.”

KELLY: “So to those who say look, there are murders among the illegal immigrant community, the same way there are among the law-abiding -- previously law-abiding community, and it's unfair to paint this community with such a broad brush, you say what?”

WILKERSON: “I say that America has enough criminals of its own, and we don't need any other countries.”

KELLY: “Some look at the testimony and they say she not you -- no one would come after you, but I know you gave a shout out to Donald Trump saying you felt heard when you heard what he said, the remarks people considered controversial. People say Donald Trump is a bigot, and you say?”

WILKERSON: “I don't know Donald Trump. I don't know what he stands for actually, but I know it felt great to hear him speak the truth. He spoke from -- he spoke the truth. It felt like we were being heard. It was a relief to me. He said what he wants to say and doesn't back track on it. What he said had truth in it. So it did feel like finally somebody is hearing and listening.”

KELLY: “Josh was brutally murdered by this young man for no reason whatsoever. He was tortured before he died. You said today it's going to take another life lost by a Senator, a Congressman, the President, even another hero or someone from Hollywood before somebody does something about this. Do you believe that? Do you believe there is apathy on this still in Washington?”

WILKERSON: “Oh yes. There is no question about it until it happens to you, you don't know the pain, and it's not going to happen until somebody makes a move. It's a shame. Kate Steinle that died last week in San Francisco was just another one on top of it. There will be many today, many tomorrow, many the next days, until somebody decides it's enough.”

KELLY: “Our condolences to your family and your loss. Thank you for telling us your story.”

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