Mark Steyn: ‘Disgraceful’ for Kamala To Team up with Bill Clinton Who ‘Treats Women Like Used Kleenex’

‘If Kamala Harris had any self-respect, she would not sit down and discuss whatever the topic is the effect of Covid on women’


STEYN: “Hey, Tucker. You left someone out there. You have been talking about him all night. Robert C. Byrd the of the Senate. Why don’t they prop that corpse up at the Clinton Foundation and Kamala Harris can discuss racism with an experienced of the Ku klux Klan. That’s — you say are they just pranking us. You watch the coverage from all the Clinton enablers from 20 years ago. You watch the coverage on ABC, CBS, NBC, they will all be fawning over this rubbish and taking it seriously. If Kamala Harris had any self-respect, she would not sit down and discuss whatever the topic is the effect of Covid on women with this particular guy who insofar as he knows anything about respiratory effects on women it’s from pinning them down and assaulting them. It’s disgraceful that she is participating in this.”

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