MSNBC’s Cross Suggests FBI Rename Its Headquarters ‘The Stacey Abrams Building’

‘We can step into 2021 and rededicate the building to someone deserving’

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CROSS: “I couldn't agree more, congressman. Changing the name of our premier law enforcement agency so it doesn’t honor a racist tyrant who trampled civil liberties, I don’t know, seems like a pretty logical step to me. If you don’t know about J. Edgar Hoover, he lorded over the FBI for nearly 50 years and spent the 1950s, ‘60s, and ‘70s to derail the civility rights movement by allowing illegal wiretaps and other dirty traps. Hoover’s FBI even sent Dr. King an anonymous letter, something to blackmail him into committing suicide. It sounds crazy, but Google it. We could spend hours discussion his misogyny, home oh phobia, and spinelessness when it comes to the mafia or step into 2021 and rededicate the building to someone who deserves it. I’ve got it. How about the Stacey Abrams Building?”

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