Clyburn: There’s No Reluctance on Biden’s Part to Interact with the Press, But He’s Busy to Hold a Press Conference

‘We’re not here just to satisfy the media’


CAVUTO: "But do you worry about that? A lot of people are wondering, is he reluctant to talk to the press, are they preventing him from talking to the press? Maybe you could just resolve this. Do you know whether he intends to?"

CLYBURN: "There’s no reluctance on this President’s part to interact with the press."

CAVUTO: "Then why isn’t he?"

CLYBURN: "Simply because we’re busy doing other things right now. We aren't here just to satisfy the media. We’re here to satisfy the American people. We get this bill signed — done tomorrow, signed this week and he has already told you he is going to be out there among the American people selling this bill.”

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