Rand Paul on Reopening Migrant Facilities: ‘A Load of Hypocrisy Going on Here’

‘I think we should always be humane to people, even coming to our country illegally’


PAUL: "Do you think that the Democrats who were crying those tears over the poor people they said Trump put in cages, do you think those might be tears of hypocrisy? The cages, the detainment facilities were built under Obama administration, they were used under Trump administration, now they're being reopened under the Biden administration. Count me one who thinks that there is a load of hypocrisy going on here. and I think we should always be humane to people, even coming to our country illegally, but I think we should have a strict policy of sending people back who come here. I'm for the remain in Mexico policy, that if you’re trying to break into the country, you stay in a camp on the other side of the border, you never set foot here, and if you do, you're sent back. But I'm also for more legal and lawful immigration. I want more people to come to our country. And I think immigrants are a great asset to our country but I don’t want illegal and unlawful immigration, so I think there’s a lot of hypocrisy going around."

(via Fox News)

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