Gene Sperling on Biden COVID Relief Plan: ‘This Is the Time to Go Big’

‘When you’re doing policy, you have uncertainty’


SPERLING: “He had seen the pain of young people coming into the labor market and being scarred by a weak labor market and not getting the earnings up. And I think what that says to him is that there is real human suffering that is long-term when you don’t get to — not just get to full employment but how fast you get to full employment. The faster you get, the less human beings suffer, the less parents are, as he says, taking that long walk up the stairs to tell their kids they've lost their job. He really feels it in his heart. And I think that he has seen that the overwhelming amount of people, including the last, I believe, three Fed chairs, Ben Bernanke, Jerome Powell and Janet Yellen have all said this is the time to go big. Don’t take a chance. Don’t get a chance of getting stuck in the mud because the risks are too high. And when you’re doing policy, you have uncertainty. You have to decide what risk are you going to take in an uncertain world. And Joe Biden is making the right decision.”

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