Daughter Who Lost Her Mother in a Nursing Home Accuses the Media of Protecting Gov. Andrew Cuomo
BEST: “Well, I kind of got used to it because the media was never letting me say Governor Cuomo all along and I was being cut out of every interview that I was in. And so then I started starting every sentence that they asked with ‘Governor Cuomo’ so they couldn’t do that to me. So then they were forced to literally ask me to cut out Governor Cuomo’s name. Lester Holt’s show wasn’t the only one to do it. So, what happened specifically on that show was I was telling them that Governor Cuomo failed us, his book should be named, you know, not ‘Lessons in Leadership,’ it should be ‘Lessons in Failure.’ She stopped me and she said to me, ‘Can you say that differently? Can you say that a different way without Governor Cuomo’s name and just say New York failed you?’ So I had no choice. I had to say New York failed me.”
KILMEADE: “So it was NBC News, but who was the reporter?”
BEST: “Kristen — I don’t know her last name.”
KILMEADE: “And how did they get New York in that line? Did you repeat it like they asked you to, instead of Governor Cuomo?”
BEST: “Absolutely. To say New York and to take Governor Cuomo’s name out. Now, I was very, very accustomed to that and, you know, I just wish that Governor Cuomo did as good a job of protecting the elderly as the press has done all along protecting him.”