Sen. Warren Floats Conspiracy Theory Rich People Are Manipulating GameStop Stock

‘Are you entirely sure there aren’t wealthy people on both sides?’


WARREN: “Well, that’s the problem. How do you know who is manipulating the stock at this point? I mean, people are liking to tell a David versus Goliath story, but are you entirely sure that’s right? Are you entirely sure that there aren’t wealthy people on both sides, that hedge funds haven’t moved in on the side of the people who have bid up the price of GameStop? And that’s what happens when you don’t have an honest market. When you don’t have an honest market, a lot of folks get cheated and a lot more folks just say, 'I'm not going into a market like that. I am not going to participate. I am not going to put my money out there.' This is happening at a time when millions of people are out of work, when millions of people are struggling and they are looking for another way to try to make money. And going into a market that is not honest, that is not transparent, signing away their rights with arbitration agreements, and then getting cut off from being able to trade — that is not a way for them to be able to build any security at all. And it’s bad for Wall Street, but ultimately it's bad for our country.”

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