Kennedy: Gov. Cuomo Is Like the Gardener Who Complains About His Plant Dying After Dousing it with Bleach

‘It sure seems like he purposely tanked everything’


KENNEDY: "You don’t plan for your economic resurgence when you killed your state's economy. That's like planning for your retirement at your 95th birthday party. I love that now he's throwing around the idea of opening smartly and safely, as if that genius notion did not strike every government skeptic in May! And I hate to be the negative Nancy, but it sure seems like he purposely tanked everything, individuals and businesses began so he could get a juicy federal bailout. And now that the Democrats have pulled the federal hat-trick, he is going to make every fiscally responsible state eat his crap sandwich. He blathers on and on about infrastructure and transportation and growth. He is like the gardener who complains the flowers are dying after he doused them in bleach. The only good idea this narcissistic grandma-killing hothead has had is legalizing weed and online sports gambling to offset his spending jags. And he is a hack about that too, because in 2017, long after public opinion had reached critical mass on the subject, Cuomo had the mossy nards to say weed, quote, is a gateway drug and marijuana leads to other drugs and there’s a lot of proof of that. The only proof here is blowhard big spenders like this governor leave their states in worse condition than they found them, and New Yorkers should smartly and safely give him and de Blasio the boot.”

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