Daily Beast’s Sommer: The Proud Boys Is a Pro-Trump Street Brawling Group

‘We know there were proud boys inside the capitol, smoking cigarettes, partying it up after breaking in’


SOMMER: “Sure, so the proud boys is a far right men’s club. Proud boys have been caught being members of the police or police have been caught being members of the proud boys. Latinos for Trump group invited the leader of the proud boys on a tour of the White House. They claim they had some help within the White House setting up that tour. You know, there’s this very, you know, we know there were proud boys inside the capitol, smoking cigarettes, partying it up after breaking in. There is this nexus, this kind of far-right connection, the proud boys are close with Roger Stone. So while I think the Trump Administration would love to kind of obfuscate all their ties there, this is kind of a pro-trump street brawling group.”

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