Jonathan Capehart: Clinton Looked ‘Annoyed’ Talking About E-mail Controversy

‘It seemed to me that she is just tired of answering these questions’

CAPEHART: “Well, you know, to jump on something that Barnicle just said that Secretary Clinton looked fearful, to me she looked annoyed, especially talking about the email, the email controversy. Clearly it seemed to me that she’s just tired of answering these questions and feels that she is answered those questions not just to the best of her ability but, you know, truthfully and she's still getting hit with these questions. The other thing is, I -- she didn't exactly say that it was a vast right-wing conspiracy when she talked about she's been under attack -- she and her husband have been under attack by the media for a very long time. That’s true. They has attacked, she’s been under the media microscope since at least 1991, '92 when President Clinton ran for president the first time. So what we are seeing here is someone who is battle scarred, who's been through the crucible of controversies time and time again, most of them not borne out. But she’s running for president a second time, she's been through this once before. And we will see, as Barnicle says, there's a lot of rust on this vehicle."

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