MSNBC: McConnell Reasoned with Caucus that a Covid Relief Bill Could Boost Ga. Runoffs

‘It was Republicans that could not get on the same page regarding what to put in the Covid package’


JESTER: "Now it's worth noting that a Democratic-controlled House agreed on Covid relief back in the summer, and it was Republicans who couldn't quite get on the same page regarding what to put in the Covid package that President Trump would actually sign. And just last week, Majority Leader Mitch McConnell on a call reasoned with his caucus saying not only dies President Trump want stimulus checks, this would be a boost to the Georgia Senate race because Perdue and Loeffler could then go back to Georgia and say, 'Hey, look, we put cash directly into your hands and we're providing relief in Georgia,' hoping that that might boost their case heading into the January 5th run-off.” 

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