Scarborough: ‘Maybe My Former Party Will Continue to Reward Stupidity the Way It Has Over the Past Four Years’

‘He is just embarrassing himself’


SCARBOROUGH: "Well, he's certainly let the United States down. He's let the State Department down, he’s let himself down. And I’m sure embarrassed a lot of people from speaking of elite institutions, from the elite institutions that he came from where he’s Secretary of State, for God’s sake, and he’s running around, going to swing states. You know, he spoke from Israel at the RNC. He made speeches in Wisconsin, Texas, Florida, three states that were considered swing states. And now he is going down to Georgia, he's holding those stupid Madison meetings, or whatever he is calling it, where he's jamming as many people in a room as he can. He is just embarrassing himself. I find it hard to believe that that’s going to help him in the future, but who knows. Maybe my former party will continue to reward stupidity the way it has over the past four years."

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