Michael Eric Dyson: ‘Defunding the Police Is Another Way of Saying Let’s Reassign Money’

‘We want when the cops show up they don’t see us automatically as criminals and begin to hurt us’


DYSON: “When somebody calls the authorities for a person who is mentally unstable, don’t send the cops with their batons and tasers, send a productive therapist or somebody who's trained to relief the hurt and pain that they might experience so that they won’t be killed. So defunding the police is another way of saying, let’s reassign moneys to those elements and those departments in our public safety realm that attend to the hurts and pains of people who are most at risk. And when we do that then we can respect the fact that we want law and order. We just want when the cops show up they don’t see us automatically as the criminals and begin to hurt us and harm us in ways that many white brothers and sisters can scarcely imagine.”

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