Trump on GOP Field: ‘I’d Fire a Lot of Them’

‘I don’t want to use names because I don’t want to insult anybody’

LEMON: “I was just in Chicago just a couple days ago, I ate at Bill Rancic's new restaurant. He's done very well by being on the –“
TRUMP: “Good guy.”
LEMON: “He's the first one. But I want to ask you, the republican field is shaping up to be in the episode of ‘The Apprentice.’ Really, 14 announced candidates now, at least two more to come this month all buying for attention. Which candidate would you fire first and why?” 
TRUMP: “Well, I think I'd fire a lot of them. Actually I don't want to use names because I don't want to insult anybody. But I think I'd fire a lot of them. There a lot of people that just don't even have a chance. I mean, it's ridiculous. But –“
LEMON: “Like?” 
TRUMP: “Well, I don't want to say that. I want to be a nice person, OK? I've just driven all my life to be nice. But actually people do like me. I love charity, I love giving to charity, but, you know, I don't want to ruin any –“
LEMON: “I can't believe you're holding your tongue. When did I ever known Donald Trump to hold his tongue?” [Crosstalk]
TRUMP: “No, Don, I can give you -- I can give you a very big list. I could give you a very big list. I am very surprised. I'm not a Bush fan. And I say, the last thing we need is another Bush. The bush family should rest and relax and go back to, you know, sitting on boards and picking up checks.”
LEMON: “Yes.”

TRUMP: “Because this guy will never be able to make our country great. He doesn't have the energy. He doesn't have what it takes. And, you know, again, not nice to say, but I'm being blunt because we have no choice. We have to do something to bring our country back.” 

LEMON: “Yes. Is there any -- I know sometimes you say that you feel, you feel that CNN is hard on you. You feel that a lot of the media is hard on you. That you're –“ [Crosstalk]
TRUMP: “And some is very fair. No, not all of it though. But some of the media treats me very, very fairly.”
LEMON: “So, do you feel that you're mischaracterized –“
TRUMP: “But these poll numbers that just came out, I mean, some of the media really it's been very nice to watch and they've given me a lot of credit for it.” 
LEMON: “Is there anything you'd like to clear up while I have you here?” 
TRUMP: “Nothing. Absolutely nothing.” 


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