Trump: ‘I Am Really Disappointed in Our Leadership, Not in Mexico’

‘What’s happened is the Mexican leaders and negotiators are out-negotiating our people because our people are not smart’

LEMON: “You're going to stay on this long enough to be on the stage for these debates?”

TRUMP: “Of course I will. Why would I ever get out? I want to see the country thrive. Our country is being run by people that don't know what they're doing. I want to see as make great trade deals so that instead of China, taking all of our jobs, which they're doing now, so many, I mean, it's a one-sided deal.”

LEMON: “Yes.”

TRUMP: “They're sending stuff to us. If we're sending stuff to them, it's almost impossible to get it in.”

LEMON: “I want to talk to you –“

TRUMP: “Take a look at the deficits we have with China and with Japan. And, by the way, with Mexico. Mexico is -- I love the Mexican people. I've had a great relationship with Mexico and the Mexican people. But –“

LEMON: “Let me talk to you about that.”

TRUMP: ”-- and I'm really disappointed. Don, I'm really disappointed in our leadership not in Mexico. I wish they were more involved in these deals. Because what's happened is the Mexican leaders and negotiators are out-negotiating our people because our people are not smart.”

LEMON: ”All right.”

TRUMP: “And they it a lot of our businesses.”

LEMON: “Well, let's talk about that.”

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