‘Morning Joe’ Chastises Trump for Breaking Curfew in Miami, Crowd Chanting ‘Fire Fauci!’

‘This guy has been cleaning up your mess from day one and you’re saying he’s been wrong?’


[clip starts]
CROWD (chanting): "Fire Fauci! Fire Fauci! Fire Fauci! Fire Fauci!"
TRUMP: "Don’t tell anybody, but let me wait till a little bit after the election, please. (Chanting) I appreciate the advice. I appreciate it. No, he’s been wrong on — he’s a nice man though, he’s been wrong on a lot."
[clip ends]
SCARBOROUGH: "He’s been wrong a lot? He’s the guy that was telling you it was coming back in the fall. No, it’s not. He’s the guy that told you hydroxychloroquine was not the miracle cure -- you go, yes, it is it’s the miracle cure. Of course when you needed a miracle cure you sure as hell stayed as far away from it."

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