Kudlow: ‘We Don’t Think Shutdowns Are Helpful and We Don’t Think Shutdowns Are Necessary’

‘This is what the president wants: No shutdowns’


KUDLOW: “The administration’s guidance and its policies will emphasize again and again and let me begin here. But this is what the president wants: No shutdowns. We don’t think shutdowns are helpful and we don’t think shutdowns are necessary. Now, there is a spike in the numbers, I get that. Not the fatalities so far but yes, the positive cases. As we’re seeing frankly all over the world. But we’ve come a long way from last winter and spring. We’ve learned to do things on a carefully targeted basis with teams of experts going in to use the massive amounts of PPE equipment, various face covers and gowns and gloves and all the things the front line people need and that patients need. We've also learned to target the areas with respect to testing. In fact let me go back to this key point. The guidelines from the CDC and our task force, which I sit on, continue, masking, distancing, testing where appropriate, hygiene, washing your hands. And there is also a warning out that we should be careful of you know, in-house, in-home family events. That’s kind of a new one. People are going to have to use their discretion. We hope the states will not go through a shutdown. We do not think it is necessary. You know, the fatalities are down like 80 percent, 85 percent from the peak last winter. That’s our best advice. Frankly experts are telling us that a shutdown or shut-in across the board at this point would frankly do more harm than good.”

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