Ron Johnson: Why Did Joe Biden Meet with Devon Archer, a Convicted Felon?

‘What did vice president Biden — what did they talk about?’


JOHNSON: “The vice president with favorable policies of the U.S. Government. You mentioned Devon Cooney and Devon archer. These are two — unsavory characters that hunter Biden associates with. I think they both have been convicted of — of this the plot they hatched, hatched and implemented during 2014, the exact same year that the conflict of interest was set up in the Ukraine on burisma. Here’s the first question I would ask out of 100 different questions, Mr. Vice president, why did you meet with Devon archer five days before you went to the Ukraine and were named the face of U.S. Policy in Ukraine? Why did you eat with Devon archer and five days later he was named of the board a few weeks later, hunter Biden was named to the board. And now we are finding out that hunter Biden might’ve been on the board to three days before this meeting. This was a meeting in the White House with Devon archer, now a convicted felon. What did vice president Biden — what did they talk about? Who else was in that meeting? Those of the first questions I would ask the vice president with 100 more.”

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