Don Lemon to Rich People: If You Pay More Taxes to Help More People in Need, Maybe Buy One Less Dune Buggy

‘I don’t mind paying more taxes for people who are not doing well to help other people out’


LEMON: “I don’t want to get taxed any more. Listen, you do what you want, I want to be able to buy a $250,000 dunebuggy. I don’t want to help people who may be in need. I don’t want to — I want to be able to buy whatever which is fine, but just own up to it. Stop pretending the reason is economic anxiety. If you have enough disposable income to play dunebuggies in the desert, listen, we all — I like to have fun, you like to have fun. You like to go boating and fishing. But just be honest about what your intentions and what you think and stop pretending that it is something else. And stop ignoring the elephant in the room. It’s not really economic anxiety. It’s actually, I think, it is selfishness because, listen, I do well. I don’t mind paying more taxes for people who are not doing well to help other people out. This is America. I will be okay. How much do I need?”

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