Rudy Giuliani: Obama Has ‘Set up a Business’ for Terrorists with New Ransom Rules

‘Not just ISIS, but all these groups … now have a nice new way of making money’

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OBAMA: “We are clarifying that our policy does not prevent communication with hostage takers by our government, the families of hostages or third parties who help these families… No family of an American hostage has ever been prosecuted for paying a ransom for the return of their loved ones. The last thing that we should ever do is to add to the family's pain with threats like that.”

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HANNITY: “All right. That was the president earlier today announcing a brand new executive order clearing the way for Americans to make private ransom payments to terrorist organizations like ISIS abroad in order to free loved ones being held hostage without threat of prosecution. Is this the right decision? Here to respond is former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani. I’m only speaking for myself, and I don't often agree with Obama. If it was my son –“

GIULIANI: “Absolutely.”

HANNITY: “-- my daughter.”

GIULIANI: “You’re right."

HANNITY: “No government is going to stop me if I can pay money to free them.”

GIULIANI: “Right.”

HANNITY: “I understand. I think families ought to have the right to make their own decision.”

GIULIANI: “OK. But here's the problem, Sean.”

HANNITY: “It creates more hostage takers.”

GIULIANI: “You got it, right. So the problem is, it creates more hostage situations. You’re setting up a business now. What President Obama essentially did was, he set up a business. I have done a lot of work, security work in Mexico and South America. Mexico has many more kidnappings than the United States. U.S. has very few kidnappings. A lot richer people in America to kidnap.”

HANNITY: “Sure.”

GIULIANI: “The reason is, in the United States, we don't pay ransom. We turn it over to the FBI. They catch the person, and then of course we used to have the death penalty for it. Now it's life in prison. In Mexico, everybody pays. It’s a business.”

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